
Basic policy on measure to deal with antisocial focus



  1. 反社会的勢力に対しては、代表取締役等の経営陣以下、組織全体として対応する。
  2. 反社会的勢力の不当要求に対応する役職員の安全を確保する。
  3. 反社会的勢力に対しては、警察・暴力追放運動推進センター・弁護士等の外部の専門機関と連携して対応する。
  4. 反社会的勢力との間の取引を含めた一切の関係を遮断する。また、反社会的勢力による不当要求は拒絶する。
  5. 有事においては、民事及び刑事の両面から法的な対応を行う。
  6. 反社会的勢力との間で裏取引は一切行わない。
  7. 社会的勢力への資金提供は一切行わない。

Basic policy on measure to deal with antisocial focus

We declare the following basic policy on measures to deal with groups or individuals who seek economic profit through violence, force and fraudulent means, known as “antisocial forces” in Japan. This policy reflects the Company’s resolute stance on preventing relationships with antisocial forces and eliminating any existing involvement for which the criminal status of groups or individuals was not known at the time of initial transaction.

  1. We will have absolutely no dealings whatsoever with antisocial forces.
  2. We will establish close cooperative ties with external specialists, including the police, the Center for the Elimination of Boryokudan (Crime Syndicates) and legal counsel, and will take appropriate action as an organization to avert damages caused by antisocial forces.
  3. We will never respond to improper requests by antisocial forces and will without second thoughts pursue legal action to maintain our stance.
  4. We will never engage in backroom deals to conceal misconduct or provision of funds or fringe benefits by us or to antisocial forces.
  5. We will ensure the safety of corporate officers and employees who deal with improper requests by antisocial forces.